First Time Cruisers

Bravo! You’ve taken the bold step into the captivating realm of cruising. Your stateroom reservation is set, a personal haven amidst the waves, where the promise of rest and relaxation awaits. The anticipation is tangible, a crescendo of excitement that builds with each passing moment as you envision the myriad of experiences that lie ahead. The sea calls to you, a siren song of adventure and discovery, beckoning you to indulge in the pleasures of travel by water.
And then, a pause in the exhilaration—a reflective moment as you ponder, “Now what?” It’s the precipice of the unknown, the start of a journey that promises as much mystery as it does majesty. From the gentle lull of the ocean to the vibrant activities aboard, you’re about to embark on a voyage that will weave together moments of serene tranquility with bursts of thrilling escapades. Whether it’s the gourmet dining under the stars, the laughter-filled nights at the ship’s theater, or the quiet mornings watching the sunrise from the deck, your cruise adventure is just beginning.
May your journey be as limitless as the ocean and as grand as the ships that sail it.

What to do for My First Cruise?

Just because you’re embarking on your first cruise doesn’t mean you have to navigate it like a novice. To make the most of your inaugural voyage and cruise like a seasoned traveler, consider collaborating with a High Seas Deals Cruise Advisor. Our dedicated travel advisors ensure that first-time cruisers receive additional perks and amenities, encouraging them to choose us for future cruises.

First Time Cruiser Cruise Advisor Questions

Many first time cruises have questions. Our professional cruise travel advisors are ready to help with the following examples:
First time cruisers should consider our travel advisors as a cruise vacation matchmaker; the more we know about you, the better we’ll be able to select the right type of cruise and itinerary and help you with all the goodies along the way. By the time you come onboard, you’ll be a cruise connoisseur.
An Independent Affiliate of A.S.A.P. Cruises Inc. Florida Seller of Travel Ref. No. ST15578 | Washington UBID No. 603189022 | Iowa Registered Agency No. 1202